The Battle of Bunker's Hill, painted in 1786 by John Trumbull, hangs in the Yale library. The man in the black hat looking over the left shoulder of the guy wearing a white shirt and holding a musket is
Great x 6 Grandpa Andrew McClary. Andrew died in the battle after being struck in the chest by a cannon ball. Oops. His father, another Andrew, was born in Ulster, Ireland in 1717 and moved to New Hampshire in 1726. That Andrew's father, Michael, was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1660. It seems odd that Michael was 57 when Andrew was born but that's what they tell me.

St. Margaret Street, Dunfermline
Michael was a Covenanter who fought against Charles II's army at Bothwell bridge on 22 June 1679. The Covenanters lost and Michael fled to Ulster, Ireland. (Charles Stewart was restored to the throne of Scotland, England, and Ireland as Charles II in 1660. He made the Episcopalian church the national church and outlawed Presbyterianism. Apparently Michael was a Presbyterians who covenanted with other Presbyterians to resist.)